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Overnight Boarding F.A.Q

Where will my dog sleep?

Typically I will let your dog(s) sleep where they are most comfortable and that may change from the first night to the next. Most , will sleep on their dog bed or on a dog cot in my bedroom. Some enjoy being set up in our mud room on their bed or one of our doggie cots with a blanket.  We also have a few dog suites/runs set up in our dog room.  If your dog does best crated at night- we have that option too. I have several sizes of crates available to use if needed- so it isn't necessary for you to bring any kennel with you. If your dog(s) is/are nervous -they may display some pacing behavior in the evening when everyone is settling down for bed- at that time I will typically place them in a crate / den type environment to help make them feel secure/at ease. There is always an adjustment period anytime a dog goes anywhere outside of their element.

Do you have a dog friendly fence ?

We live on a 20 acre parcel set back from the main road about 350 ft. We do not have a dog friendly fence. I use lead lines to help exercise those dogs that do not do well off leash. If your dog is collar trained I am comfortable using that option for off leash play. All play/exercising/potty breaks are in the back yard portion.  In my 10 years of offering dog care at my house- I have not had any issues with runners, escape artists , accidents etc. Not saying that will never happen, at least I hope it never happens, But I take extra precautions with those dogs that are runners or escape artists. Ultimately, your pet is my responsibility while they are here with me and I don't take that lightly - not one bit!

Do you have any pets?

Our inside pets currently include a 9 year old chihuahua mix named Mia, an 13 year old mini-dachshund named Allie, a 1 year old chihuahua named Carlos, and our 2 year old Dalmatian, Ray. All of our dogs do well with other visiting dogs and may be introduced if your pup(s) do well too.  If your dog(s) does/do not like other dogs, that is okay- Our home is set up where we can easily keep our pups separate from those visiting that don't enjoy other doggies.
We also have outdoor animals- they currently include: Cats, chickens,  goats, and horses/ponies.

Do you have set times for pick up // drop off ?

I do not have "set hours" for pick up or drop off.  But you will need to schedule a time that you would like to drop off and would like to pick up to allow me to operate on a schedule. There may be times I will have things I need to work around (kids school schedules, activities, family appointments, other dogs dropping off/picking up) but I will do my best to accommodate your needs. Early morning and late evening pick ups are usually okay, but all drop off's and pick up's MUST be scheduled. Please be on time!

What are your overnight dog boarding rates?

Boarding rates are charged by the calendar day (not necessarily "every 24hours" but each new day. There are half day charges  if pick up / drop off are during certain time periods. Below are current rates for bookings in 2024. These are subject to change at any time.


  ADULT dog boarding is $40 per day , per dog



** Dogs under 1 years of age are $60 per day, per dog.


**Intact Adult dogs (1yr+)( not spayed or neutered) are at the rate of $80 per day, per doy. Intact puppies who are in heat during their stay, this rate will apply, not the puppy rate. Mature intact dogs are not doubled up with other families.

What do you accept for payment?

Payment for your dog(s) stay is always due when you drop them off  (first day of care). I accept cash, payment through the venmo or paypal app, and all major credit cards are accepted. To continue to keep my costs low, cash is always preferred and appreciated. 


*Venmo: Must be sent with goods and service toggle OFF or include extra to cover the fees.

*Paypal: Must be sent via friends and family or include extra to cover the fees.

*All major credit cards used through my square app will have a processing fee of 4% .


What should I bring for my dogs stay?

  • Your Pet's Food (in storage bin or sandwich baggies) I have clean bowls

  • Leash & Collar/harness . Shock collars/ electric collars if dog is  trained on it.

  • Vaccination Documents from Vet if you haven't emailed prior

  • Completed Intake Form if you havent emailed prior

  • Signed Agreement Form and Emergency Veterinary Form

  • Something familiar smelling- a blanket, or one of your tshirts

  • Their favorite toy and / or treat

  • Dog bed / dog mat / blanket etc

  • Medications / supplements (if required); Leave medications in Rx bottles- do not send in zip lock bags or unlabeled containers. If your dog takes trazodone/gabapentin for grooming/vet visits/thunderstorms, anxiety etc-This medication needs to be brought with.

  • Payment due in full at time of drop off (Cash, Venmo, paypal, any major credit card)

How do I reserve overnight boarding for my dog(s)?

Simply fill out the form located on the drop down option labeled " Dog boarding Request"  Please be specific with your inquiry.  A simple " i need dog care for a week in September" is not a helpful inquiry. List the specific dates you are looking for --using the day you drop off as the first day of care. List how many dogs you need care for and their breeds, weights AND ages. Its also helpful if you mention if they are dog friendly or dog reactive. Once I receive your inquiry about dates, I will respond back with a very detailed email that may also answer any other questions you may have. PLEASE READ ENTIRE EMAIL! It has very important information in it.  PLEASE CHECK YOUR JUNK FOLDERS- My email replies do not always go to your inbox!  Dog boarding requests do NOT reserve dates.


 I have several dog boarding inquiries forwarded to my email DAILY. If you ask me if dates are available and I say yes, this does not mean I save them for you. I ask that you email me back confirming you still want those requested dates saved.

Its just not feasible for me to chase after every boarding inquiry, because not everyone is serious about booking, just checking rates, or maybe they don't like how I run things after reading my informative email-  It is YOUR responsibility to follow up letting me know that "yes , you want to reserve"  And Please read my entire emails that I send- there is very important information in each email! : )




Are meet-n-greets required prior to my dogs first time staying with you?-

I do not require a meet n greet prior to your dogs first stay with us. If you wish to stop out prior to your dogs first day of care- we can try and figure something out. I will typically do these meet n greets during the week while I'm not caring for any other dogs. With that being said, there may not be many options but I'll try my best to make it work.

I filled out the dog boarding request form, how soon will I hear about my date request for dog boarding?

I try my best to get back to all dog boarding requests through my web page within 24 hours. If it is the weekend or a holiday, then your request will be responded to on the next business day. Please do not send multiple requests/ emails for the same date request in attempt to reach me faster. There are times where I may reply back very quickly, you may have just caught me at the right time as I was going through emails- It doesn't mean that all communication will be that quick! I try my best, but I'm also a mom, run a household and a business, have outside chore work, and work outside of the house a couple days a week! Typically my email communication is done in the late evening hours.

How far in advance do you book out or take bookings?

On average , my calendar is reserved 8 weeks in advanced. I don't schedule anyone "new to us" more than 6 months out for reservations- just simply to give my current boarders an opportunity to reserve first and also lets me figure out my families schedule too. I do not take reservations into the "next new year" until after October 1st of current year.

What is your cancellation policy?

There is no fee if you need to cancel or reschedule your reserved dates. Out of respect, I do ask that you give me as much notice as possible. I know life can throw us curve balls at times and understand that last minute cancellations can and will occur. If you are a repeat offender to last minute cancellations- especially over prime times/holidays- you will not be able to reserve any future dates with us.

How many dogs do you watch at one time?

The quantity of dogs I care for at once really depends. A few things I take into consideration are breed, age, and size. Along with --are they dog reactive or dog friendly. Sometimes that can be difficult to assess true behavior and temperament if they have never stayed here before, so I tend to only care for families of dogs that have never been here before by themselves first. Or I'll over lap them with a familiar dog family by a day or two. So I don't really have a set "number" , plus I really like to keep it small and low stress for the dogs visiting. I do not want it to feel like a "boarding" environment.  So the more detailed you can be with your boarding requests about your dog(s) needs, the better!! But on average , its usually between 1-3 dog families at a time.

What requirements do you have?

All dogs are required to have current vaccinations for Rabies, Distemper (DAPP/DHLPP), and Bordetella/Kennel cough. If your dog has anaphylaxis from vaccinations or is diagnosed with an immune mediated disease that doesn't allow them vaccinations, please let me know.

Raw food diets are NOT allowed. Pets must be on a commercial or fresh food diet only. If you feed raw meat but want them to be able to come to whitewood acres dog boarding- you must transition them to a commercial/fresh food at least 2 weeks prior to their arrival date. Failure to do so will result in reservation cancellation.

All dogs are STRONGLY encouraged to be current with flea and tick preventive-- We have terrible ticks that carry several tick borne illnesses out here. Flea/Tick prevention is recommended year round!


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